Damir D. Dzhafarov

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Connecticut


Office: MONT 441
Tel: +1 860-486-3120
Email: damir@math.uconn.edu

Curriculum vitae

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I am a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics, and an affiliate faculty member the Department of Philosophy, at the University of Connecticut.

Currently, I serve as Director of Undergraduate Studies for mathematics.

I am Associate Director of the UConn Logic Group, and a Director of the Graduate Certificate Program in Logic. I am also member of the Connecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

In the Fall of 2021, I was a Fulbright Research Scholar at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague.

Previously, I was a NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the mathematics departments at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Notre Dame.


My book, Reverse Mathematics: Problems, Reductions, and Proofs, written with Carl Mummert, has been published by Springer. It is available from booksellers and on Springer Link.

My research is in mathematical logic, specifically in computability theory, reverse mathematics, effective combinatorics, and computable analysis. I am also interested in the philosophy of mathematics, and the application of logic to cognitive science.

My work is currently supported by FRG Collaborative Research Grant: "Compuability-Theoretic Aspects of Combinatorics" (DMS 1854355) from the National Science Foundation of the United States.

Professional Activities

I am an editor of the Journal of Symbolic Logic, handling papers in all areas of pure and applied computability theory.

I serve on the steering committee for the Workshop on Computability Theory, and co-organize the Computability Theory and Applications Online Seminar.

I maintain computability.org, an online resource for computability theorists.

I am the faculty advisor for UConn's AMS Graduate Student Chapter.